Prisen och tömkörning
you'r my friend and that is true,
but the gift was given from me to you.
we went thru moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
you suported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear,
its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.
Jag har en sakna Prisen dag idag...
Tömkört Nutte har jag dock gjort fast han är inte lika rolig som Prisen:(
Postat av: Gunilla
Go' mulen....
Har du hört nåt från honom?
Postat av: Freja
naw, tror han matte lite också :)
Postat av: Freja